Friday - 14th April, 2006Sixth ElementHands with Roses. Dancing Couples. Sparkling Saris. Flashing Cameras. Blinking Lights. Booming Boxes. Scrunching Beats. Unlimited Drinks. Colourful Dresses. Spiky Heads. Banging Fists. Fagging Cornerheads. Bopping Groups. Whirling DJ...
It sure is a party scene, but definitely had another message for all us fourth years... 'Hey idiots... you're all doing this together for the last time in your life!!!'
Oh! Ooooo…
I am not a party animal, neither do I want to be one now, but time has just now taught us that it’s the end of MGIT’s share of fun in life!! So before I get over the hangover…Here’s the sneak peek…
Expectedly unexpected (??) was the SMS I received from Nirupa on this 11th saying that we have our farewell on 14th at Sixth Element. And the following 2 days were filled with a marathon of messages and calls between the juniors and seniors about this completely unexpected and supposedly “to-be-celebrated” occasion.
The day started at 9.30 A.M (= 11.30 A.M IST). Soon after the regular
Hi’s and Welcome’s, we, the seniors, were asked to give a short introduction with a couple of words on our life in engineering too. And soon the placement officers and lecturers in us woke up giving golden advices to the juniors. I don’t know why but we felt as if we were the oldest species of human beings alive on this planet enlightening our juniors.
‘Make sure you get placed before it gets too late…’
‘Don’t mess up with your attendance…’
‘Study well… Have fun at the same time too…’ (And that person did neither anytime in his life)
‘You are the next ones to be kicked-out of the college…’ (!!??!!)
‘Do what you like to do. Never do what you don’t like. Always do what you like to do. No matter what happens, do what you like to do…’ (Finally, do it 4 times)
Some have taken life-time decisions…‘I am no more Chaitanya, I’m Krish …’ (Changing names eh?? And by the way “Krish rocks”!! :p)
One confessed his crush too… (Thank you thank you :”> and by the way, Musings and MetallicA Rock!!!)
To top it all, the DJ adds special effects to our already messed up speeches (a.k.a golden words).
A round of paperdance followed the intro round and sadly, the championship legacy still continued. Deepthi still remains the paperdance ace champion of our class and I’m still the (ace) runner-up. I wonder as to how she could still maintain her frame so well!! And now I understand its purpose :p. (For the record, we were at the same positions for our fresher’s too… just that our partners changed. Venu Madhav (Sr.) to Rakesh (Jr.) for her and Deepika (Sr.) to Hari Priya (Jr.) for me)
The DJ kept reminding us of the running-out time and “soon” (=1 ½ hour) the lunch started. And then it was a round of disco a little while later. The DJ did a commendable job too…
Ok now… nothing special here… The same old songs, the same old steps, the same old dancing groups, the same old drinks, the same old lights and the same old fagheads. Just that we took the video better than ever. And to enlighten you about our expertise in this field, we have taken it in two angles (a.k.a two cameras – and sometimes even we are spotted in the video.).
And now it was the juniors’ turn to evaluate and treat the seniors. We had certain titles like “Mr./Ms. Intro”, “Mr./Ms. Paperdance” and “Mr./ Ms. Outing”. A Nirvana (Our college fest, not the rock band. Please.) T-shirt autographed by all the seniors was auctioned and finally Chaitanya bought it for a whopping 3 grand. Man!! He is getting richer these days!!
Time passed and it was a marathon of hugs and pecks all over. People started moving all around and almost everyone, no matter how close or not they are to the other person, embraced each other and a wave of good-bye’s swept us.
We spent the rest of the evening outside the building chatting until the guard threw us out of the building. Slowly the junta started leaving and it was only the 6-7 of us classmates. We refreshed our senses and selves at a nearby eatery and BAM!!! We are back home…
Offline, I’m sure it must have been day that had the highest number of messages and phone calls exchanged between the seniors and the juniors. It was definitely a good alchemy that existed among all of us these 3 years and it at the end, it got a deserving felicitation too.

Speak about the fun you’ve had in a day or the dejection of parting forever, you can’t have a farewell better than this. Thanks guys. Love you and miss you all…
P.S : Hehe.... End of the day, to my utter amazement my 'dear' juniors honoured me with an on-the-spot "On Popular Demand" award... :p. Sounds good eh?? "Ravi Shankar - On Popular Demand !!"