Hold It All '06 - Part 2

A pleasant Saturday evening. I was in a cinema with one of my old buddies, biting my nails, expectant that the hero would somehow find and marry the heroine. Several other thoughts invaded me, but nothing disturbed me more than the vibrating cell. I have this weird feeling that it vibrates terribly when 1) It’s a bad news or 2) When the display says in aversion - “DaD”.
Amazed by the odd feeling I quickly opened it from my pocket just to realise it was not my dad.
So, it’s a bad news.
“Arey ravi, results check cheskunnava?”
Unable to watch my friend enjoying the movie so merrily, I immediately passed the news on and I heard it again.
To prevent the damn nervous breakdown take over us, we have two options. Either buzz off from the place and go check our results in some cyber café or keep calling our classmates at the cost of getting rebuked from the fellow movie watchers. Unable to bear either the severe tension or the terrible loss of 35 bucks, we decided to stay in our seats and contact our classmates wherever they are spread, the world over.
Now how can it be a life without spice if we don’t get what we want at the right time? And what we heard in our phones surely made us miss a heartbeat.
“The customer you’re trying to reach has either switched off the mobile or is out of covering area.”
“Please check the number you have dialed.”
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“The customer you’re trying to call is not accepting any calls at this moment.” (He sure is getting balled in front of his parents)
“The customer you’re trying to call is busy. Please stay on the line or call again. Layyeeter.”
Finally I managed to get Krish on the line.
“Arey entha? “
“You got 192 in project and some 70 odd in NN.”
“What about NLP?”
Breathes for some time and finally says “Don’t know ra. Not really sure.”
Another miss. Now NLP is the subject for which the whole class repented for studying the prescribed text. We all should have otherwise gone for Wren and Martin.
(21 days back… )
These were the reactions post-NLP.
“Will JNTU people fail a student in the last semester?. They wont, no.”
“I’m going to Chilkur tomorrow. Join me?”
“Gone. Pakka. No doubt :-( ”
“Let’s video shoot the college next time we come here. We are anyway going to see it the next sem.”
“I heard our college people are only going to correct the papers. Let’s go and ask Nagesh sir.”
“My bro asked for a movie. I should have at least gone for that.”
“Abbay anavasaramga chadivam antha. Thu !”
“Vidya told me that JNTU is conducting instants this sem for the first time.”
(Back to the present)
With the 21-day past memories getting hold of me, we rode to my place and soon switched on the computer hoping everything is green in the future. My instincts were still warning me about a probable deadly moment ahead. Sweating profusely, we opened the site and as expected, the monitor threw a “Page cannot be displayed” on us. After several not-so-tiring tries, we finally got the page and started entering our friends’ roll numbers. (A bad news about your friend is always soothing before yours and reduces the impact when you realise that yours is a bad one too). Realising that not one had screwed up one’s result so far, a spark of hope lit in us making us feel that we fall in the same band too. Finally after a deep breath, I decided to see my result and YEAH!! I passed :D in NLP. Looking at my happiness, the tension doubled in my friends face, but we soon believed that both of us have made it.
By default, a conventional engineer should never worry about his result so much as we did now, lest he has a semester-full of exams to be written again. But when the whole world around you knows that you are soon going to an Infosys or a Wipro and your parents are proud of you for that, you have no other option before checking your result except to sweat badly.
Whatever it is, I have finally cleared all the JNTU examinations at the first shot, my lowest mark being a broken 44 and the highest mark being a decent 86. Now that no more tensions are left for a significantly long time in the future, I need some rest.
So here I am, with this first blog post-engineering. Took quite a lot of time to get out of the laziness and the writers block!!
Unable to watch my friend enjoying the movie so merrily, I immediately passed the news on and I heard it again.
To prevent the damn nervous breakdown take over us, we have two options. Either buzz off from the place and go check our results in some cyber café or keep calling our classmates at the cost of getting rebuked from the fellow movie watchers. Unable to bear either the severe tension or the terrible loss of 35 bucks, we decided to stay in our seats and contact our classmates wherever they are spread, the world over.
Now how can it be a life without spice if we don’t get what we want at the right time? And what we heard in our phones surely made us miss a heartbeat.
“The customer you’re trying to reach has either switched off the mobile or is out of covering area.”
“Please check the number you have dialed.”
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“The customer you’re trying to call is not accepting any calls at this moment.” (He sure is getting balled in front of his parents)
“The customer you’re trying to call is busy. Please stay on the line or call again. Layyeeter.”
Finally I managed to get Krish on the line.
“Arey entha? “
“You got 192 in project and some 70 odd in NN.”
“What about NLP?”
Breathes for some time and finally says “Don’t know ra. Not really sure.”
Another miss. Now NLP is the subject for which the whole class repented for studying the prescribed text. We all should have otherwise gone for Wren and Martin.
(21 days back… )
These were the reactions post-NLP.
“Will JNTU people fail a student in the last semester?. They wont, no.”
“I’m going to Chilkur tomorrow. Join me?”
“Gone. Pakka. No doubt :-( ”
“Let’s video shoot the college next time we come here. We are anyway going to see it the next sem.”
“I heard our college people are only going to correct the papers. Let’s go and ask Nagesh sir.”
“My bro asked for a movie. I should have at least gone for that.”
“Abbay anavasaramga chadivam antha. Thu !”
“Vidya told me that JNTU is conducting instants this sem for the first time.”
(Back to the present)
With the 21-day past memories getting hold of me, we rode to my place and soon switched on the computer hoping everything is green in the future. My instincts were still warning me about a probable deadly moment ahead. Sweating profusely, we opened the site and as expected, the monitor threw a “Page cannot be displayed” on us. After several not-so-tiring tries, we finally got the page and started entering our friends’ roll numbers. (A bad news about your friend is always soothing before yours and reduces the impact when you realise that yours is a bad one too). Realising that not one had screwed up one’s result so far, a spark of hope lit in us making us feel that we fall in the same band too. Finally after a deep breath, I decided to see my result and YEAH!! I passed :D in NLP. Looking at my happiness, the tension doubled in my friends face, but we soon believed that both of us have made it.
By default, a conventional engineer should never worry about his result so much as we did now, lest he has a semester-full of exams to be written again. But when the whole world around you knows that you are soon going to an Infosys or a Wipro and your parents are proud of you for that, you have no other option before checking your result except to sweat badly.
Whatever it is, I have finally cleared all the JNTU examinations at the first shot, my lowest mark being a broken 44 and the highest mark being a decent 86. Now that no more tensions are left for a significantly long time in the future, I need some rest.
So here I am, with this first blog post-engineering. Took quite a lot of time to get out of the laziness and the writers block!!
Still, life rocks being a lazy worm too…