Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The week that went by...

The week that went by had many interesting things in store for me.

First of all, I congratulate, well, myself, for having completed Atlas Shrugged, the baap of all philosophy novels. After reading it by parts in almost all the bus journeys that I made in the last 4 months, I have come to a conclusion that a novice reader should never make an arse out of himself/herself by going in for such a heavy novel. But one character that really inspired me a lot in this novel was that of Hank Rearden, a herculean in himself.

For close to a month, I did a deep research equivalent to the depth of Google's web. Analysing all the possible ways in which 2000 bucks (which was actually planned for something else) can better be utilised, I finally decided to enter into the world of masthi, mobiles and messages, gifting myself a cute little Motorola C115. During this process I realised I can better be an actor rather than becoming a Software Engineer. Had to do a lot of naatak for that though ;). But its memory capacity screwed my happiness bigtime. PM me for further details :(( (Well, if youre really interested. Are you?? Tell me, are you??)

The Mirchi Factor:
Radio Mirchi was another thing that kept me happily busy the entire last week. On the first day, Chaitanya (who accompanied me till almost till the last round) was late as usual to the audition centre just(just(just(just))) by one hour (well, thats his --> fate, reloaded. The tyre of bus blasts when he gets into it or the autowallah takes him round the globe telling that it is the shortest route or if everything is fine, he wakes up late, finally blaming it all over me :p.) The bum was kicked out of the audition centre and was asked to come the next day. The first two rounds were blind auditions, where we were asked to speak the way an RJ speaks. Then we had another 2 rounds of personal interviews.... where the "cool" interviewers over there asked all kinds of weird questions like... when was the last time you boozed, why dont you smoke, when was the last time you ever cried and did you ever have a broken relationship etc etc... Basically it was fun all the way. Out of the three interviews that I attended till date, I should say that this was the most interesting and hatke interview that I had. What makes me really proud is that though many experienced radio artists and dubbing artists attended the interview, most of them didnt make it through and being inexperienced, 2 other guys (Chaitanya and Adi) other than I from my college made it till the penultimate round and I could clear even the last round. But sadly, my father gave me a lovely option of choosing either to stay in home or to go for this job. Sadly, he wasn't really interested in I doing a job while I'm still pursuing my engineering. (Neither was I, but it was just a part of my part-time job junt).
Now if you have the slightest feeling to congratulate me or better if you feel like treating me or if you think we should go on a holiday to Switzerland for my achievements, PM me, call me or send me an E-mail. I dont mind what way you would like to
do that :p

My eyeballs have already popped out half way off their place. And I think its better I rest for sometime now.

BTW... Musings '06 - An Ode to Penmanship


Blogger Sashikanth Damaraju said...

I have been wanting to meet you for quite some time, to help out with Musings, But have been shit busy.

Anyways, Congrats ( I think ! ) for your experiences.

PS: Please watch Musings' Grammer atleast, even though it's a 'chill' blog ... BLUNDERS !

PPS: Congrats bout completing an Ayn Rand, My suggestion try out - "1984" by George Orwell. Easy read, and basically gives you a kick in the face if you haven't read many books.

2:12 AM  
Blogger Ravi said...

hey bigmouth.. point out the mistakes right on the blog... no issues whatsoever...

8:27 PM  

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